Wearing a transparent chain, its strength
Since ancient times, people have considered dressing as one of their important activities. Accessory, or jewelry, has a long history, and records show that necklaces were already invented in ancient Egypt around 3000 BC. In Japan, it is said that during the Kofun period, both men and women wore necklaces made of jade and crystal as amulets. Later, as the aristocratic culture developed, it became common for women to wear glittering necklaces as jewelry. Since the beginning of time, necklaces have existed as a symbol of power and status, as well as wishing for wealth and protecting oneself.
SIRI SIRI's CHAIN NECKLACE, which was born in 2010, is a necklace with a literally glass chain motif that combines transparent glass and colored glass, and is hand-finished one by one by Japanese craftsmen using burner work. Its conspicuous presence and elegant charm have been highly acclaimed so far, and in 2016, Her Majesty the Empress Masako wore it when she went to Nasu, and Caroline Kennedy, former U.S. stationed in Japan. Ambassadors have also worn it in the past.
How is this beautiful chain of seamless, smooth glass parts created?
The chain of CHAIN NECKLACE uses the technique of joining each part while heating it with the skill of craftsmen. A beautiful chain is created by freely manipulating heat and materials, and capturing the moment.
SNOW , AVOCADO , MARBLE , and JADE , with subtle nuances of color that appear to be drawn in a series of four color gradation variations, are created by a designer who selects the color of each individual part, and the craftsman creates the sequence. generated by telling. The natural colors of fresh greens and fruits are reminiscent of the origin of necklaces, which are woven chains of ancient plants. Each of these colors is produced by various minerals. Depending on the nature of the mineral, the hardness of the glass also varies. Colored glass is mixed with the transparent glass that serves as the base, and a one-of-a-kind piece is finished while controlling the color that changes depending on the temperature. The delicate handiwork of craftsmen turns the ideas of designers into reality.
Although CHAIN NECKLACE is made of glass, it can be used daily because it uses heat-resistant glass. Ten years ago, heat-resistant glass was rarely used outside of industry, so designers and craftsmen had to go through a lot of trial and error, such as expressing complex colors. However, in recent years, as burner work has shifted from industrial to craft, it has finally become possible to express a variety of colors.
NEW COLOR <JADE> Released on April 29, 2020
The shape of necklaces has changed with the times, along with changes in human society, industrial technology, and the development of the culture of art. As of 2020, CHAIN NECKLACE is finally being created after 5,000 years from its origin. The strength and self-confidence that comes from wearing a transparent chain of glass reminds us that we are on the edge of human history, where we have seen necklaces as something that protects us. I will give it to you.
Written by Sawako Fukai
Photo Go Itami